Cookie Policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile phone browser by websites you visit. Cookies are widely used for the functionality of websites or to improve user experience, as well as to provide certain information to website owners. Our cookies may include information about your online preferences and allow us to tailor our websites to your interests.

How to accept or refuse the use of cookies?
Users have the ability to set their devices to accept all cookies, receive notifications when a cookie is sent, or not receive cookies at all. If you choose the latter option, some personalised services may not be provided to you and you may not be able to take full advantage of all the features of our websites. If you do not wish to receive cookies in general or if you wish to reject certain cookies, you can change your browser settings accordingly. However, every browser is different, so you should consult the “Help” menu of the browser you are using for information on how to change your cookie preferences.

How do we use cookies?
Le informazioni raccolte attraverso i cookie possono aiutarci ad analizzare l’utilizzo dei nostri siti web da parte dell’utente e ci aiutano a fornire un’esperienza migliore all’utente durante la visita ai nostri siti. Le informazioni raccolte attraverso i nostri cookie non vengono utilizzate per identificare l’utente, né per l’invio di pubblicità via e-mail o posta tradizionale. Inoltre, non utilizziamo i cookie per diffondere pubblicità personalizzata per bambini. 

What types of cookies do we use and for what purposes?
Cookies required for technical reasons. Alcuni dei nostri cookie sono strettamente necessari per l’utilizzo dei nostri siti web o di alcune loro funzionalità. Questi cookie funzionali non possono essere rifiutati quando si naviga nei nostri siti web. Tra questi ricordiamo i cookie per la registrazione, indipendentemente dal fatto che l’utente abbia acconsentito o meno all’utilizzo dei cookie da parte del nostro sito web. 

Session cookies and preference cookies.
We may use session cookies to facilitate the operation of our websites, for example, to enable you to navigate between pages. These cookies expire when the user’s session ends (for example, when the user closes the browser window). We may also use cookies that have a longer lifespan in order to remember your preferences and choices on our websites. In general, these cookies will not last longer than two years. 

Analytical cookies.
Potremmo utilizzare dei cookie analitici per migliorare le prestazioni dei nostri siti web attraverso la raccolta di informazioni sul numero di visitatori, sul sito di provenienza e su come utilizzano il sito (ad esempio, quali pagine vengono visitate più spesso dalla maggior parte dei visitatori). A questo scopo potremmo utilizzare strumenti analitici forniti dai seguenti provider e i cookie correlati. 

Google Analytics
Click here to view the Google Analytics privacy policy

Social network cookies
We may integrate on our websites certain functionalities of third party websites, in particular of certain social networks. These features sometimes integrate scripts or other elements that can recognise, and sometimes place on your device, cookies from these social networks. These cookies may enable the personalisation of advertising. We have no access to or control over these cookies or the data collected by these cookies, but as we operate the bood website we would like to inform users and ask for their consent to use these elements. For more information, please see the list of possible social network cookies below. 

Third-party links
There may be links to sites controlled by third parties. The publication of such links on the Site does not imply approval or endorsement by Vanity Floor Srl of the relative sites or their contents; nor does it imply any form of guarantee on its part. Vanity Floor Srl cannot be held responsible for the content of such sites, and declines all liability for any damage arising from the consultation of such links.